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Sign up for free, upload your favourite works art into your Artit portfolio, and tell the world who you are and what your art stands for.
There are always a handful of calls for art, contests and other opportunities running on Artit, to suit diverse interests and practices. Select the ones that suit you best and submit your works.
Your entries will be reviewed, and our team will get back to you within the relevant time frame. Check your emails and on-platform notifications.
Arts x Climate - 18-03-2024
The Intersection of Art and Climate Action
Art in Dialogue - 15-05-2024
The X Factor: What Makes Artwork Exceptionally Successful?
Creative Wellness - 15-05-2024
Overcoming Self-Doubt in Your Creative Work
Artit Guides - 16-05-2024
How to Secure a Contract with an Art Gallery
Meet the Artist - 17-05-2024
Interview with Milo Hartnoll
Meet the Artist - 06-06-2024
Interview with Ayuna
Turning the Tide - 05-09-2024
Interview with Katarzyna Piorek
Meet the Artist - 17-05-2024
Interview with Vanessa Van Meerhaeghe